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I Was Never One To Patiently Pick Up The Broken Fragments and Glue Them Together Aga|n, I Know Well What Lies Beyond My SleepIng Refuge,The NIghtmare I Bui|t My Own World To Escape .. When I Was Sad , There were Times When I Would Close My Eyes, Take a Deep Breath and Hold It .. Wishing That Everyth|ng Around Me Would Come to a Stand Still, Alas ! I Could Never Hold My Breath Long Enough ..

Friday, March 20, 2009

In the middle of my favorite month

     Just wasting time waiting for HL:EP3 to come...I hope it 'll happen atleast in coming months. I never believe Valve...

Life on the edge of extinction...

      Ok now talking about other things...I been losing everything from the start of this month...When i take count...i lost 5 of my best frnds to a status of just friends...~nice!~ It never makes me happy at night, when i'm alone...

       "Pursuit for happiness is not that easy as enjoying those happy moments.."

        Taking wrong turns never a rare thing, whenever you had a chance to go pass a busy junction.
        Its not that you take those deliberatley.
        Its too funny in the begining, when you didn't even realise it was not the direction meant for you...
        But when you think to change the lane, looking for a place to pull over for a while to correct ur mistakes...
        It takes a while and sometimes even a lifetime won't be enough.

        When life is at a low, You are never too far from death. And when you are having a good time with your otherwise ~beautiful~ life, you never like to bother about the presence of it.
        Though whatever you bother destiny never changes, unless you cheat.

                                                       Courtesy : My disturbed mind

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