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I Was Never One To Patiently Pick Up The Broken Fragments and Glue Them Together Aga|n, I Know Well What Lies Beyond My SleepIng Refuge,The NIghtmare I Bui|t My Own World To Escape .. When I Was Sad , There were Times When I Would Close My Eyes, Take a Deep Breath and Hold It .. Wishing That Everyth|ng Around Me Would Come to a Stand Still, Alas ! I Could Never Hold My Breath Long Enough ..

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Broken Dreams

Inspired from my favorite writer.....

Now every night I get some weird dream.
Always its there, even when I’m awake.
There is something wrong with it.
But always it has one thing at a time.
Once a good girl, once a devil
The girl had a special look,
Her eyes reflects the determination she have.
I can feel it strengthening me, when I look into her eyes.
Another day there were silent weepings thrown at me.
As if a woman make when she lost something beautiful than her life.
Once it caught a glass full of wine, before it caught my own heart.
There were faded darkness all over.
Today I was shocked to see a familiar face staring at me,
like she never seen me before. I swear her eyes were bright.
An empty black bag. I tremble before I collapse.
I threw my dreams away down to the streets. It burst into pieces.
I killed it. Now it doesn’t comeback with those weird false images.

PS – “Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.

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